


* Live without limits. * 

Enjoy a virtual adventure trip right now.

Have you ever thought of living for a while like Robinson Crusoe ?

Have you ever dreamed to explore the world like Indiana Jones ?

Would you like to roam the wild nature like Crocodile Dundee

or ride through the country, free like Lucky Luke ?


You can do it.  Join us on the sunny island Sicily ! 


Live the adventure of your life !

Travel throughout the world.

By foot or on Horse.


man on horse 



About us: 


The Eco-Adventure.Org is a NPO and NGO

for Adventure Travelling and Animal-assisted Therapy.

"NPO" means we are a "Non Profit Organisation", so the focus of our projects is non-monetary.

NGO (Non Government Organisation) means we are independent from any government or politics.

So we are free to do what we want. And everything is possible!



As we are working on the self-efficacy and the self-confidence of the individual,

we are as well working on the society as a whole. We believe that life gets better together!


That's why you profit and finally also the governments.


We offer as diverse experiences as possible to young people and families

who have little or no chance to travel.   And that's not all...



Our Offers:


+ Adventure Travels throughout Europe

   especially for teenagers and young adults.



 + Adventure and Extreme Sport

   on the ground, in the water and in the air.



  + Animal-assisted Therapy

   with dogs, donkeys, horses, ponys...



+ Team and Manager Training,

   e.g. in the "sicilian jungle"


 + Outdoor Education „Learning by Doing“

   Learn practical things for Life.


+ Live free in selfsufficiency

   on the sunny island of Sicily!




Our Vision:


An "Adventure Base Camp" with Action Playground,

a farm for animal assisted therapy and self sufficiency

by permaculture, wind, water & solarpower.


To realize this vision we found the perfect place, in the middle of paradise:

Our Adventure Hill : 200.000 square metres in the north of sunny Sicily.

An epic view on the Tyrrhenian sea, including the seven Aeolian Islands,

the Sanctuary of Tyndari and the archaeological site of Tyndaris nearby, 

as well as amazing lonesome beaches and many tourist attractions,

like old castles and natural preserves only a stone's throw away!


our mountain panorama with the Tyrrhenian Sea the Aeolian Ilands and the Sanctuary of Tyndari.




Currently we are rebuilding our little farm,

which was built more than 100 years ago.

The project is still in the beginning.


Pioneers at work.



...manufacture or are a dab hand at building?

...enjoy nature, animals and adventure travelling? to inspire children and young people?


JOIN US! Together we create a positive future and LIVE FREE!


We are still a little group of young people, but we have the power to do more!

Like Margaret Mead said: "Never doubt that a small group of committed people 

can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.“


And also: "Human diversity is a resource, not a handicap.“

So you are welcome such as you are to do what you want!


The world in our hands.

You can volunteer in Sicily and also live free

don't wait any longer, contact us:

Mobilephone (sicily) : +39 347 25 24 740

Of course you can write us also an e-mail.



Last, not least


Where we combine old knowledge with the latest technology...


Done: 2.300 km - pulling a cart, with 200 kg weight - only by manpower,

just like a donkey, over alps and apennines, through five countries to Sicily. 


Crazy Bike Caravan

More infos & pictures - a film will follow => Eco Adventure Movies.



Next: 7.000 km - with a donkey and a sicilian cart one time around the sunny island

and then throughout Europe. After a few months we will arrive in Munich for the "Oktoberfest".

There we will exchange our "own-foot-made red wine" into cold beer. Publicity guaranteed!


our traditional Sicilian donkey cart - still unpainted.


Benefit-Action: You can sponsor every kilometre for one euro.

=> 7.000 euros for children, animals and our nature.


Thereupon we'll travel with horses, donkeys and mules through North and South

America, Africa, Australia and Asia.


And then: We will build a sailing ship and travel through the seven seas!

rebuild of an old sailing ship, a kogge called ubena

Like the "Ubena", a rebuild of an old sailing ship.


...And on the way to the Aeolian Islands our good friends in the ocean are swimming with us:



Always amazing as well, the volcanic eruptions from the volcano islands!


The Adventure continues!



More about us:


   Our Eco-Adventure-Team


   Our Italian site:


   Our German site: