The Sieltec Horse Harness is an powerful ultra lightweight construct of Air-Ropes.

In contrast to heavy leather harness the Sieltec harness is much lighter, almost maintenance-free and self-cleaning.

That's not all: Sieltec offers the best price-performance ratio and you can customize the color of your harness


So each horse gets his own! ...And of course also every pony, mule and donkey - like our Hercules :-)


- Photos, videos and a detailed review are following soon. -


The Sieltec harness achieves also in competitions top marks.

Like here in an wagon race with team of four horses and colourfull Sieltec Harness.

Horse-Wagon-Race with Sieltec Harness.

Or here with three horses and elegant black and white Sieltec Harness.


Even cows make a good impression and a good job with Sieltec:

Cow with wagon and Sieltec harness.


And also for dogs Sieltec has an optimal solution for your ride.

Man on horse with dog and Sieltec harness.


Last but not least,

The chief of Sieltec trusts his life in his harness...



Side Note:

Sieltec harnesses are made from young adults who in the past had not so much luck in their lives and now find their way - thanks Sieltec!





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...or shut down the pc and go outdoors!  :-)

Adventure is a path...

Adventure is a path...

Explore. Dream. Discover!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - By Mark Twain.

the world is a open book

The world is a book, and those who not travel read only a page.